Class Schedule

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The World Peace Organization For the One World Government
Master Kuthumi's Message
An Introduction to Emotional Healing and Soul Reintegration
Soul Reintegration
Physical Aspects of Emotional Healing
Our Relationship With Animals
Our Relationship With Our Creator
Healing the Rifts Caused by Wars
Purifying the Laws of the United States
Creating the One World Government Under the Creator






An Introduction to Emotional Healing and Soul Reintegration

This course is for people who are interested in creating more peace in their life. It covers how to heal discordant relationships, how to heal from past traumatic experiences that have left you feeling alone and unloved and unable to make changes in your life. By going through the process of healing these relationships and past events, you begin to regain your power to make changes in your life.

The instructor of the class is Karen Holmes, founder and head of The World Peace Organization for the One World Government. She is the author of "A Manual for Peace."

Photo of Karen Holmes






Soul Reintegration

Emotional traumas, when we dwell on them, cause us to lose the capacity to make changes in our lives, and to live the life we would like to live. Soul reintegration is a tool that allows us to look at our issues without judgment and to begin the process of gaining back the ability to make desired changes. Issues are looked at step by step, and resolved.

This class builds on the information presented in the first class. It is not necessary to take the first class.

The instructor of the class is (to be announced.)

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Physical Aspects of Emotional Healing

Emotional traumas leave evidence in our physical bodies in the form of illnesses and injuries. The physical body is a result of our beliefs, and when we change our beliefs we can change our body. Even life-threatening illnesses can be "turned-around" when you change your belief structures.

Class participants will leave the class with an understanding of how issues effect their physical body and how to change their belief structures so they can begin the healing process.

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Our Relationship With Animals

Animals reflect back to us our issues. If we work to resolve our issues, we have the capacity to heal the animals. We can improve our relationships with our pets and domesticated animals. Even the wild animals reflect back our issues, and this is how we will be able to handle the crises with the wild animals around the world.

The instructor of the class is Caroline Huggins. Caroline loves animals and has been working with them for over thirty years. She has been a 4-H leader teaching children about raising and caring for animals. She has worked on ranches and farms with livestock. She is an animal healer who counsels people on their animal issues.

Caroline will show you how you can heal your animals by looking at the issues in your own lives.

Photo of Caroline Huggins






Our Relationship With Our Creator

Our most important relationship is with our Creator. We are a reflection of our Creator and it is possible to have a closer and more personal relationship. We can understand who we are better, and who our Creator is, by looking at this relationship.

This class looks at our relationship with our Creator from the understanding that the major religions of the world are all based on Universal Law that applies to all people. Universal Law treats all people equally. Please understand that religions are a cultural interpretation of Universal Law, and one religion is not placed in higher regard than another.

Class instructor is (To be announced.)

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Healing the Rifts Caused by Wars

Wars and massacres leave a tear in the energy fabric of the planet. Even long after a war is over, it leaves a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in the populations of the area, and the people cannot prosper. Rifts also cause violent weather patterns and natural disasters. For peace to come, the rifts must be healed.

The instructor of the class is(to be announced.)

Class participants will leave with the knowledge of how to heal the rifts in their area so they can begin to prosper, and can help to heal rifts as they travel.

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Purifying the Laws of the United States

The United States has a very highly evolved form of government that treats all people and all states fairly and equally, but over the years certain practices and laws have been introduced that have created chaos in the legal system. This class covers what it will take to look at these practices and laws from another perspectve so they can be made more fair. People who feel that they have been treated unfairly in the legal system will learn what they can do.

The instructor of the class is (to be announced.)

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Creating the One World Government Under the Creator

The founding fathers of the United States, by creating a government based on fair and equitable practices, took a land of many different histories and cultures and made it possible for the people to live in peace for over two hundred years, except for the Civil War. The same concepts can do the same for the world as a solution to war and international violence. This class intoduces the idea of using the U.S. Constitution as the blueprint for an international government, a layer of government that will exist over what presently exists. It will treat all countries equally and fairly, and ensure equal rights to the people of the world.

The instructor of the class is (to be announced.)

Class participants will learn that world peace is not a dream, that there is a very logical and simple way to create world peace.

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On The Rainbow Peace Store and Training Center
Tent Tour Schedule
Purifying the U.S. Legal System